9. piw-remove

The piw-remove script is used to manually remove a version of a package from the system. All builds for the specified version will be forgotten, and all files generated by such builds will be deleted.

By default, the version removed will be deleted entirely (not marked to skip). Optionally, you can provide a skip reason; in this case the version will not be deleted (though its builds and files will), but will be left marked to skip to prevent future rebuilds.

9.1. Synopsis

piw-remove [-h] [--version] [-c FILE] [-q] [-v] [-l FILE] [-y]
           [-s REASON] [--import-queue ADDR]
           package version

9.2. Description


The name of the package to remove


The version of the package to remove

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit


Show program’s version number and exit

-c FILE, --configuration FILE

Specify a configuration file to load

-q, --quiet

Produce less console output

-v, --verbose

Produce more console output

-l FILE, --log-file FILE

Log messages to the specified file

-y, --yes

Run non-interactively; never prompt during operation

-s REASON, --skip REASON

Leave the version in place, but marked with a reason to prevent future build attempts

--import-queue ADDR

The address of the queue used by piw-remove (default: (ipc:///tmp/piw-import); this should always be an ipc address

9.3. Usage

This utility is typically used in response to a request from a package maintainer to remove a specific build from the system. Usually because the presence of a piwheels build is causing issues in and of itself.


Older versions of piwheels didn’t heed PyPI deletion messages. This is no longer the case and this utility is no longer required to manually remove deleted packages.

The utility can be run in a batch mode with --yes but still requires invoking once per deletion required (you cannot remove multiple versions in a single invocation).

The return code will be 0 if the version was successfully removed. If anything fails, the return code will be non-zero and no files should be deleted (but this cannot be guaranteed in all circumstances).

The utility should only ever be run directly on the master node (opening the import queue to other machines is a potential security risk).